Songs in the Garden:
Poems from the Land of Becoming

What physic can reclaim a driven soul . . .
As Songs in the Gate was born out of the “in-between times”, these poems chronicle my journey through the gate and into the garden (which proved, in fact, to be its own series of gates). Here, I have learned to put down roots and soak up truth—instead of digging frantically, that I may hoard it. Here, I have spread my soul’s arms to the sun and let beauty bloom from them of its own accord—instead of straining to force more blossoms than in previous years (or than those around me). Here, I am learning—again, and always—to rest in the midst of perpetual “becoming”. With more consistency than ever before, I have chronicled the journey through poetry, in the hopes that all who read may discover their own journey of “becoming” along these garden paths.

For a limited time, you can purchase
the complete set of R. A. Nelson’s books
for ONLY $55.00 (plus shipping)!
That’s SIX books –
the Gatekeeper trilogy
Songs in the Gate: Poems from the Borderland of Now and Not Yet
The Ancient
Songs in the Garden: Poems from the Land of Becoming
– at a 20% discount!
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The Ancient
** A historical fantasy novel of mythic proportions **
My first meeting with the Ancient was also my last . . .
With these words, a discontented modern-day English professor is thrust deep into the world of the Ancients. Ever since the Making, this race of immortal beings – known to Humankind as the creatures of mythology, from the Dragon and Unicorn to the Griffin and Phoenix – have sought to cultivate the Light of creation, pushing back ever against the malignant forces of the Wasting. Fear, Pride, Violence, Death: with barbarians from the sea wreaking havoc and good men cowering behind their walls, the future of the Light has never seemed more precarious. The struggle comes to a head at a monastery in 10th century Ireland, where the last two Ancients join with a mortal boy to make one final stand for the Light – before the Wasting snuffs out the flame forever . . .
— Available in paperback & e-book —
*** To purchase a signed copy directly from R. A. Nelson,
click “ADD TO CART”! ***
Songs in the Gate:
Poems from the Borderland of Now and Not Yet
These poems flow out of the “in-between times”, looking back to what brought us here and ahead to where the road may lead, and meditating on the rich lessons to be learned in such seasons of active waiting. From “free verse” to “holy sonnets”, from Valentine’s Day to Advent, from oceanside musings to the long narrative poem “The Witch of Hampstead Heath”, this wide array of poetry has something for everyone – even if you don’t like poetry!
— Available in paperback & e-book —
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(paperback or Kindle)
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The Gatekeeper Trilogy
To purchase the whole trilogy directly from R. A. Nelson
– signed, and at a discounted price –
click “ADD TO CART!”
Book One
The Finding introduces us to Anna Miranda Merritt as she embarks on her semester abroad at Oxford University. New friendships, an eccentric tutor, and adjusting to a new country are challenging enough – but when the enigmatic Mr. Truman arrives, she finds herself caught up in a secret mission to rescue her friend Nicholas from a mysterious fate.
— Available in paperback & e-book —
*** To purchase a signed copy of Book 1
directly from R. A. Nelson,
click “ADD TO CART”! ***
Book Two
The Leaving follows Anna back to the United States for her final semester of college as she prepares for graduation. Everyone who has ever struggled with uncertainty about the future will recognize Anna’s journey as their own, and hopefully draw encouragement from her failures and triumphs.
— Available in paperback & e-book —
*** To purchase a signed copy of Book 2
directly from R. A. Nelson,
click “ADD TO CART”! ***
Book Three
The Keeping brings Anna’s story to its conclusion with a return to England, where new adventures with the Trumans (and, of course, the infamous Mr. Diggs) force our heroine to grow in uncomfortable and unexpected – but, ultimately, necessary and fulfilling – ways. Many anecdotes spring from the author’s multiple post-college trips to the United Kingdom with her dear friends and confederates.
— Available in paperback & e-book —