This year, I give thanks for many things:
~ my husband – who, in addition to being a savvy agent/manager/web designer, is a spectacular human being and loves me through my “crazy”
~ my family – both my original family and my husband’s family – who, besides being lovely and talented, are also crazy in all the ways I am crazy
~ my friends, past and present (and future!) – who, besides supporting and encouraging me in all my endeavors, are also crazy in all the aforementioned ways
~ my doggie boy – who, besides being the cutest four-legged creature ever to grace this earth, also bears with my “crazy” in patient, faithful, furry forbearance
~ my literary offspring – Gatekeeper I, II, and III – which, besides being my constant companions for the past thirteen years, are now ALL AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE ON AMAZON BOTH FOR KINDLE (ebook) AND PAPERBACK: three slices of my “crazy” preserved for prosperity and shared with the world
Forth, dear ones.
Spend time with your family. Give thanks. Read Gatekeeper.
Here’s to hearts filled with ever-deepening gratitude as we lean forward into the next adventure!