Well, hi there, readers!
It certainly has been a while. My apologies for the fortnight of silence; ’twas unintentional, and for a host of very good causes.
Here be the causes – or, rather, photographic evidence thereof:
My first full autumn in New York has been a good one.
Think not, however, that I have been idle. I have devoted all the time I could find over the past few weeks to preparing The Ancient for publication.
Further photographic evidence:

And it paid off, my friends. As those on my email list already know . . .
The Ancient is coming – on November 25th!
But sixteen days more, and you will understand what I’ve been going on about for the better part of a year.
(NOTE: If you want to be on said email list so as not to miss such exciting news in the future, simply fill out this form and click Subscribe!)
In the interests of preparing us all (myself included) for such a momentous . . . moment, I will be devoting this blog to Ancient-ish musings for the next few weeks.
Today, an “Interview with the Author”:
Q: What makes The Ancient special?
A: The Ancient is unique – very different from anything I’ve ever read, and far different from anything I expected to write. The first idea was fairly simple: a race of immortal beings known as the Ancients, called forth as guardians for the Light of creation. What would happen, I mused, if there was only one left? One final Ancient just existing, on and on, into modern day – even having to live in disguise? That notion was intriguing enough; then, as I researched and outlined, I realized the Ancients were mythological beings: every creature about which Humankind has told tales for millennia. That’s when The Ancient became an opportunity to tell their stories – their TRUE stories, not just the corrupted versions we think we know so well. Reimagining mythology, exploring the struggles of such creatures in a world falling increasingly into the clutches of the Wasting (a name for the cornucopia of evil influences at work in our world today), bringing that struggle to a head at a monastery in 10th century Ireland . . . it’s been a wild ride, my friends, and one that I can’t wait to share with you!
Q: What are the main characters like?
A: I’ve always been fascinated by mythology, so writing this book was a bit like inviting all my childhood friends over for tea. The main characters are a Phoenix and a Griffin, with a Dragon, a Centaur, and a Unicorn also playing significant roles. A young mortal man befriends the Phoenix and the Griffin, and it is the friendship among these three that forms the heart of the book. It has been a rich struggle to explore how to portray such noble beings faithfully: their humor, their pathos, their grief, their dreams, and – above all – their love. The young man serves as a gatekeeper in this: his passionate, dynamic, very Human nature opens the door to the world of the Ancients that we mortals may enter and understand. Immortal though the Ancients be, I think every Human who reads this book will find a bit of themselves depicted in its pages. Whether you aspire to be as wise as the Dragon, as joyous as the Centaur, as pure as the Unicorn, as faithful as the Griffin, or as enduring as the Phoenix, this book has a host of new friends waiting for you.
Q: Why should readers give The Ancient a try?
A: This book really does have something for everyone. Fantasy, history, mythology, thoughtful dialogue, suspense, mystery, adventure, tragedy, redemption . . . from a modern-day university to 10th century Ireland to the fall of Rome and back again, it’s a journey worth the taking. This is a tale to sink your teeth into: the end packs a punch, so dig in and savor every moment!
That’s all for now, friends. Feel free to share this post like billyoh – let’s get everyone as excited for November 25th as Doc is!

I’m so excited to read this new novel!! I love that I got an advanced copy and I dove in and am enjoying it immensely!!
Only only on chapter 8, and can’t wait to see how this story unfolds!