A few days ago, I used the word “frabjous” in everyday conversation, and my husband asked me what it means. Delighted, I shared with him the “Jabberwocky” poem by Lewis Carroll (of Alice in Wonderland fame), in which a character utters this line in celebration:

“O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”

The dreaded Jabberwock had been slain, you see, and the character was very excited. Hence the need for a new word expressing hitherto unprecedented levels of joy.

Today, however, if you were to ask me what “frabjous” means, I would not need to turn to Lewis Carroll. I would merely reply that “frabjous” is the feeling one gets on Launch Day of one’s first ever poetry collection.

poetry collection book cover Songs in the Gate
Songs in the Gate:
Poems from the Borderland of Now and Not Yet

is available TODAY!!!

You can get physical copies HERE!

Ebooks are HERE!


Furthermore, if you download the ebook within the first 48 hours, you have the option of entering a drawing for a FREE signed physical copy!**

It’s all CALLOOHs and CALLAYs in the Nelson household today, folks.

See? Even Doc's excited!

Forth. Read. Enjoy. And be sure to let me know what you think. I treasure your feedback!

Happy National Poetry Month, Happy Launch Day, and Happy Songs-in-the-Gate Weekend!

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!


**NO PURCHASE REQUIRED. See my Facebook page for details!

One thought on “O Frabjous Day!

  1. Jonda Crews says:

    Ordered copies today. So looking forward to reading at my leisure (makes for better reflection). 😍

  2. Ron says:

    Oh Frabjous Day indeed!

  3. Emily Crowther says:

    HUZZAH!!! Everything in this blog makes me giddy with excitement. Oh, and I’m pretty sure that Carroll would agree with your new definition of frabjous. I just feel like he was a cool dude like that. 😉

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