Um, So . . .

The World According to Doc
Chapter 6: Bee-ing Scared
Um, so . . . hi. I am Doc. Today I want to talk abowt bee-ing scared.
I noe a lot abowt bee-ing scared. I used to bee-ing scared all of the times, but now I am only bee-ing scared sum of the times.

I think I was bee-ing scared a lot more bee-cuz of bad things that used to happen to me alot. (I’ve had a hard life.) But, now, I have my Mommy and Daddy. Sum bad things still happen to me – like my Mommy and Daddy putting nasty, verry bad stuf in my eers at nite – but not as much as bee-for. So I am not bee-ing scared alot.
But sum-times I am still bee-ing scared – like when I heer lowd sownds.
Sum-times, owt of no-ware, the sky starts exploooooding.
It is VERRY VERRY LOWD. I am bee-ing scared – so VERRY VERRY SCARED.

I noe that if the sky explooooodz enuf, it will fall on owr heads and crush owr faces. I run to my Mommy and Daddy and jump up on there bed (that is reely mine) and try to tell them that the sky is exploooooding, but they don’t lissen. They say it is just “thun-derrr” and “lite-ning”, or sum-times “fire-werks”. (I hate all of these werds. These are verry bad not-nice werds.)
But I noe better. I am smart.
I noe it is reely the sky explooooding, and that if it keeps explooooding, it will fall on owr heads and crush owr faces.
So I stay with them. I let them pet me and cuddel me and tell me it is ok. It is verry nice and helps me not bee-ing scared, but it is most-lee to keep them safe. I will not let the explooooding sky crush there faces.
My Mommy and Daddy say alot of peepel are scared rite now. It is like the sky has been explooooding overr and overr a-gehn for all of the times and no one noes when it will stop.
I am sorry you are bee-ing scared.
I hope you can find sum-wun to protect from the explooooding sky. It is even more nice than bee-ing protected.
Protecting my Mommy and Daddy helps me not bee-ing scared.

Doc, you are wise and helpful. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.
Doc Boy, your mommy and daddy are so lucky to have you!