This week, Doc dives deep into his sad past . . .
Um, So . . .

Chapter 5: I’ve Had a Hard Life
Um, so . . . hi. My name is Doc.
I have had a hard life.
I do not noe a lot abowt my life bee-for my Mommy and Daddy fownd me. I do not think it wuz verry gud. They sed the verry nice peepel at the shell-ter had fownd me wanderr-ing arownd in the streetz. I wuz all uh-lone. I try not to think abowt it.

I do noe I wuz verry scared a lot of the times. I wuz a littel scared of my Mommy and Daddy at furst. Ever-ee time they left, I thot they wur never coming bak.
I thot they had ab- ab-an- ab-an-dun-ed me.
I wuz all-so verry scared of lowd sownds. (I still do not like lowd sownds. I will rite abowt that an-uther time.)
I noe now that my Mommy and Daddy will not leeve me. They luv me verry much. They tell me so ever-ee day. Lots and lots of timez.
(See-ree-us-ly, tho. It’s a littel em- embare- embare-us-sing how much they luv me.)

I have a gud life now.
My Mommy and Daddy feed me and pet me and rub my belly.
They play with me and take me on walks and runs.
They let me up on the cowch and the big bed sum-times. (They say it is there bed, but I am on it a lot more than they are, so . . . I think it is reely my bed. I do let them sleep on it at nite-time.)
My Mommy and Daddy say I dee-zerv a gud life now, becuz I had such a hard life bee-for.

I still feel like I have a hard life sum-times, tho.
My Mommy and Daddy do NOT let me do all of the things I want to do when I want to do them.
They do not give me any of there food, or share the cowch with me all of the times, or let me chase cats – not even the cats hoo are reely evil dee-muns try-ing to eet owr faces.
Also, my Mommy and Daddy NEVERR share there peez-uh with me. Ever-ee week, they make peez-uh and sit on the cowch and watch a moo-vee. I ask and ask and am so verry cute, but it is no gud. They eet all the peez-uh all up like fat-teez.
And they put nasty, verry bad stuf in my eers ever-ee nite. Even when I run and hide. They say it is gud for me. They do not underrstand how nasty and verry bad it is.
I have a hard life.

But, I think it is still bet-err than it wuz bee-for.
I like my life most of the times. I luv my Mommy and Daddy – even when they are putting nasty, verry bad stuf in my eers or eeting all of the peez-uh.
It is bet-err than being ab-an-dun-ed.
Even with all of the hard stuf, I noe I am luvved.
That is a nice feeling.

I hope u neverr have a hard life like me.
I hope u neverr have nasty, verry bad stuf put in your eers – but, mostly, I hope u neverr get ab-an-dun-ed. That is a reel hard life.
I hope u have a verry verry NOT hard life today.
Or, if it is hard, I hope it gets gud verry soon. Then, may-bee u will like it even bet-err becuz u noe wut it feelz like to have a hard life.
We laugh. We cried. I want to make Doc a doggy pizza all for himself!!!!
“Um, yes pleez. With lots and lots of bake-un? Thank uuuu . . .” ~ Doc
Doc is most blessed! And cute! And articulate! If he had opposable thumbs, he would be all set!!
He often laments his lack of uh-spo-suh-bel thumbs.