Advent proceedeth apace, friends.
Last week’s post meditated on the relationship between hope and fear; this week, we are reflecting on the tension between hope and peace.
This is particularly timely for the R. A. Nelson household. You see, I am entering into the “querying process”: that ludicrously fun bit of the writing gig where you send painstakingly crafted and personalized query letters to dozens of agents.
The hope is that one (or two! Let’s dream big!) will like your query letter enough to request your full manuscript, and then that they will like that enough to offer to represent you, and then that they will find a publisher who likes the book enough to buy it . . .
Hard work! Rejection! More hard work! More rejection!
Good times ahead, friends.

The querying process begins in Hope – one must have Hope – but it cannot continue without Peace.
So, today, a poem that explores the ways Peace keeps us steady amidst Hope’s constant (necessary) pushing.
Advent 2019
Week 2 – PEACE
“Hope HURTS” – you will not hear in any greeting
No card proclaims peculiar Advent pain
No carol sings of comfort’s rude unseating
No cake reveals the baker’s sweat and strain
Hope is not loud, but neither is it silent
Its song will never lull you back to sleep
Not raging – rather slowly, wholly violent
It wears away your perch till you must leap
Hope never rests – and, if it worked alone
No soul could keep its pace through Advent-tide
Thank Mercy for the fall of snow on stone
Still soft’ning our relentless winter ride
Sweet Peace! Hope’s steadfast partner: calm, always
Please guard and bring us through these holy days
Love this! Good balance in the music, too. Love the setting!!
It wears away your perch till you must leap…. That is so deep. Reminds me of what I understand about Mama eagle pushing her eaglets out of the nest … spread your wings and fly!! Very good poem….thank you…I love hearing you read it aloud.
The eagle imagery fits very well. I hadn’t even thought of it! I love how we bring ourselves to anything we read; a book is never complete until it interacts with the reader.
“Hope is not loud but neither is it silent”… A beautiful, truth-filled poem – simply beautiful. Thank you!
Thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed it. 🙂