The Easter Triduum culminates in Holy Saturday.

Today is a quiet day, remembering the time that Jesus spent in the grave. Tonight, many believers will gather for the Easter Vigil, which marks the end of Lent. The whole story of scripture will be told in darkness, commemorating the darkness of the tomb – creation, Israel, exodus, exile, prophets, Messiah – all leading up to the resurrection. Then bells will ring, and the lights in the church will come on, and the organ and choir will cry out the word not uttered through the whole of Lent:


Over the past few years, the Easter Vigil has become my favorite part of this season. Sunday morning is the disciples running to the tomb and finding it empty; on Saturday night, gathered with other believers, it feels like we are in the tomb with Jesus, experiencing that first thrilling moment of LIFE that changed the world forever. Out of the darkness, light breaks through, ushering in the New Creation: NOW bursting into a world of Not Yet.

None of this would be possible without Holy Saturday – without remembering that Jesus was, actually, physically, literally, dead.

This poem, like the service, carried my meditations over into Easter morning, so I will let it stand for both Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.

I pray it – and all of these Lenten posts – enrich your journey as much as sharing this road with you has enriched mine.

He is risen, friends.

Holy Saturday
Go tell the world.
Holy Saturday/Easter Sunday

Unless a seed fall to the ground and die
Yes, die, indeed, and dead and buried be
No farmer’s lips will sound the harvest cry
To pluck rich fruit from sweetly laden tree
Unless a dream is yielded to the shroud
With safety nets and handmade props removed
The dream will wither, weak: too scared and proud
To tear through to the sun, its beauty proved
Unless a King surrenders to the womb
And walks his brothers’ road to bitter end
From birth through death to cold and lonely tomb
How can he Savior be: both Lord and friend?
My hope is in hope’s death – that, from its grave
Love now is rising, all our hope to save

One thought on “Easter Triduum: Holy Saturday

  1. Jonda says:

    Joy!! Joy!! Joy unspeakable and full of glory!!?

  2. Ron Crews says:


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